Thursday, February 4, 2021

Doubling Down Financially

Welcome to my first post of 2021!

This year, I've taken on the theme of doubling down. This theme applies to many aspects of my life (weight loss, reading, etc.), but what does this mean for me financially?

First: Student loans. Once I get my three-month emergency fund locked, my loan payments will be 29% of my income.

Second: Home Down Payment. I saved about $2,500 in 2020, so I'm looking to match that in 2021.

Third: Filling My Big Pig. It's about half-way full already, so I can see completing it this year. That pig is going to be split four ways: food, exercise, dating, and most importantly the student loan.

Of course, it's early in the year, so any of these numbers is subject to change.

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Can I Get It OFF Credit?

I paid off my student loans in January, but it seems I replaced one type of debt with another. I attended PAX East in Boston in April. The ...