Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Home Buying: How Much Home Can I Afford?

The next question is: how much home can I afford?

It's good advice to only buy a house if you plan on living in it for at least five years.

Since I live in a high property tax state, I'm looking at three times my income for a house price.

So my price will be triple my five-year average income.

If I buy in... 2020 2021
2020 ---------- $43,356.94
2019 $32,408.00 $32,408.00
2018 $24,224.00 $24,224.00
2017 $17,349.00 $17,349.00
2016 $16,014.00 $16,014.00
2015 $14,362.00 ----------
Average $20,871.40 $26,670.39
Home Price $62,614.20 $80,010.87
20% Down Payment $12,522.84 $16,002.17

Note: 2021 income is a prediction based on percentage growth.

This is an idealized table. I'll talk more about down payment and the types of housing in future posts.

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